crashstake| Regulators are taking frequent actions, and three major news affect today's market!

editor2024-04-29 09:19:2211Gaming

The profits of industrial enterprises above the national scale increased by 4% compared with the same period last year.Crashstake.3% is a positive sign. In addition, there is also some important news this weekend. First, northbound capital inflows reached 22.4 billion, an one-day record since 2015. What foreign investors think of the Chinese market has sparked extensive discussion.

crashstake| Regulators are taking frequent actions, and three major news affect today's market!

Secondly, the regulatory authorities have stepped in frequently and began to restrict the derivative trading platform of securities companies, which has attracted much attention on what impact and changes may be brought to the capital market. Regulators interviewed brokerages, limited the size of Snowball and DMA neutral strategy, and required the scale of pressure drop and margin ratio. This has dealt a major blow to the bears in the market. In addition, the bull market may have begun, when the first-stage rocket to two-stage rocket conversion has also become the focus of market attention.

The market forecast in May shows that the style may change again, there is a 68% chance of returning to the theme investment, and there is a greater chance for small and medium-sized enterprises to grow. However, signs of recession are emerging in the US, and its impact on global markets, including stocks, Treasuries, the renminbi and the yen, has also attracted a lot of attention.

In addition, the controversy over US data and the issue of stagflation and deflation, as well as the impact of a possible Chinese version of QE on the economy, bond and stock markets, have also attracted a lot of attention. Finally, three major events will affect today's market. Investors are in urgent need of a bull market in the stock market, and the sharp fall in US technology may also have an impact on our market.

Key words 22.4 billion northward capital inflows, frequent regulatory moves, and the bull market may have begun! Supervise and act again! Secretly solved the power of short selling and the risk tips of self-selected writers.CrashstakeThe above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.
